Fogorvos, Magyarország 5700 orvos - további: Fogászat
Leírás, kérdésekMadenta Dental Clinic
1075 Budapest, H-Budapest, Madach tér 7.
Madenta Dental Clinic is one of the largest dental clinic in Budapest,serving more than 20.000 patients a year.
Since its foundation in 1996, Irish, French, Italian, English, German,Austrian and Hungarian citizens have chosen the services of Madenta DentalClinic. Our team of 15 dentists, 12 dental assistants and more than 20 otherstaff members are well known and praised for their medical expertise,dedication and hospitality towards patients. The collaborative efforts of thisprofessional dental team enables fast and efficient treatments for dentalpatients.
The combination of well-equipped treatment rooms manned by highly qualifieddentists, spacious, air-conditioned waiting rooms and above all a strongpatient-doctor relationship works to ease and eliminate whatever fears you mayhave about dental treatment! To ensure that there are no misunderstandings withour patients we offer patient coordinators, who speak English, German,Italian and French to improve our patient’s well being. The collaborativeefforts of this professional dental team enables fast and efficient treatmentsfor dental patients.
We offer fully comprehensive dental treatments: Aesthetic tooth replacement• Bridges and Crowns • Aesthetic Fillings • Inlays and Onlays • Emergency Treatment• Children’s Dental Work • Orthodontics • Stomatology • Implantations • Hygienic Treatments • Laser-mucous-membrane therapy • Panoramic, Cephalo-,Panoramic- and Oral X-rays • Bleaching • Prophy-Flex treatment • Preciousmetal, titanium, zirconium and ceramic work • Sale of Oral Hygiene Products
We also have an excellent team of dental technicians workingon site. This enables us to provide technical dental work quickly, preciselyand without complication.Madenta is a founding member of the Association of LeadingHungarian Dental Clinics, which is a legal body established by the largestHungarian dental clinics for the purpose of preserving the high standard ofethics and professional conduct of the Hungarian dentists.
. We can help you in translations. MFE - Magyar Fogorvosok Egyesülete (Hungary). IDC - Irish Dental Council (Ireland).
Dr. Nagy Mariann
4031 Debrecen, Dorottya utca 5.
2009-ben végzett a Debreceni Egyetem Orvos- és Egészségtudományi Centrum Fogorvostudományi Karán, majd a debreceni körzeti fogászaton kezdett dolgozni szakorvos jelöltként. 2012-ben konzerváló fogászat és fogpótlástan szakvizsgát tett. Jelenleg a Dorottya Fogászat szakorvosa, emellett a DEOEC Fogorvostudományi Karán a hallgatók gyakorlati oktatásával foglalkozik.
Dr. Jámbor Endre
4026 Debrecen, Pásti utca 9.
A Debreceni Orvostudományi Egyetem Fogorvostudományi Karán 1985-ben végezett, majd 1997-ig a debreceni városi fogászaton helyezkedett el. Az egykor a nap huszonnégy órájában működő Dorottya fogászat megálmodója és egyik alapítója, mely jelenleg a hét minden napján 8.00-20.00-ig várja a pácienseket.
2000 és 2011 között magánpraxist nyitott, valamint marketing területen dolgozott a gyógyszeriparban, majd 2011-ben ismét a Dorottya fogászatnál kezdett dolgozni, mint a cégvezetője.
Dr. Holp Szilvia
3700 Kazincbarcika, Május 1. út 13.
2000-ben diplomázott a Debreceni Orvostudományi Egyetem Fogorvosi karán, majd a rezidens képzést Miskolcon kezdte meg.
2002-ben fog és szájbetegségek szakvizsgát tett, majd 2003-tól saját praxisában dolgozott Kazincbarcikán.
Dr. Rémiás Géza
4026 Debrecen, Füvészkert utca 4.
Tisztelt Hölgyeim és Uraim.
Rémiás Géza dr. fogszakorvos szeretettel köszöntöm Önöket. Megtisztelő számomra, hogy az általam végzett fogszakorvosi munka, debreceni kiváló kollegáim mellett felkeltette érdeklődésüket. 1983 óta gyakorlom fogorvosdoktorként hivatásomat. Az első perctől kezdve igyekszem klienseim elvárásait megvalósítani, a szakma mindenkori korszerű színvonalának megfelelően. A mai napig is ragaszkodom a magas színvonalú funkcionális és esztétikai fogászati ellátáshoz. Életem nagy szerencséje, hogy már a pályám megkezdésekor sikerült megtalálnom azokat a kiváló fogtechnikus művészeket, akik révén csodálatos eredményeket tudunk elérni a fogpótlástan számos területén. Célunk az, hogy ez ne csak fájdalommentes, de mindenki számára megfizethető legyen.
H-9431 Fertod, Fo u. 94.
Dr. Zentai Jozsef operates this dental clinic in Fertod, Hungary. The clinic promises to give patients the smile they always dreamed of. The staff is friendly and efficient and gives excellent service. After an initial diagnosis a detailed treatment plan is drawn up and a range of procedures like orthodontics, cosmetic dentistry, extractions, dentures, crowns, bridges, inlays and onlays, fillings, sealing, and root canal surgery are performed. Special offers by the clinic include family discounts and a club card.
Dr. Galambos Andrea
Szarvas, Kossuth utca 23/2
1999-ben a Debreceni Orvostudományi Egyetemen szerzett fogorvosi diplomát, ezt követően 2001-ben fog- és szájbetegségekből, 2008-ban pedig konzerváló fogászatból és protetikából tett szakvizsgát az Európai Unió szabályainak megfelelően. Rendszeresen részt vesz továbbképző előadásokon, és alkalmazza az ott elsajátított tudást. A Magyar Orvosi Kamara tagja. 2002-ben nyitott magánrendelőjében folyamatosan fogadja a fogászati és szájsebészeti panaszokkal jelentkező betegeket.
Dr. Ozsváth János
4030 Debrecen, Oláh Károy utca 54.
2011-ben a Debreceni Egyetem Orvos- és Egészségtudományi Centrum, Fogorvostudományi Karán szerzett fogorvosi diplomát, majd egy debreceni körzeti orvosi rendelőben kezdett el dolgozni. 2013 júniusától a Mosolysziget Dentál Kft.- nél magánrendelést is végez. 2014-ben konzerváló fogászatból és fogpótlástanból tett szakvizsgát.
Bodnár Anikó
4211 Ebes, Bocskai u. 2.
Fogorvos. 2006-ban fejezte be egyetemi tanulmányait a Semmelweis Egyetem Fogorvostudományi Karán, majd 2009-ben konzerváló fogászati és fogpótlástan szakvizsgát tett. Teljes szájrehabilitációt, esztétikai fogászati beavatkozásokat, fogpótlást végez, kiemelt területe az endodoncia. Különös figyelmet fordít a csont és az íny állapotára, a gyökérkezelés területén jelentős gyakorlattal rendelkezik.
Dr. Bencze Zsuzsa
4031 Debrecen, Dorottya utca 5.
Tanulmányait 2008-ban fejezte be a Debreceni Egyetem Orvos- és Egészségtudományi Centrum Fogorvostudományi Karán, konzerváló fogászat és fogpótlástan szakirányon 2012-ben szakvizsgázott. Szakirányán kívül fő profiljába az esztétikai fogászat is bele tartozik. Tudatosan törekszik orvosi szaktudásának gyarapítására, ennek érdekében továbbképzések rendszeres résztvevője, valamint tagja az Európai Esztétikai Fogászati Társaságnak.
Lotus Dental Heviz
8380 Heviz, Attila Street 6
In early 2005 Hungary Dentist founder Chris Westcott travelled to the beautiful area of Lake Balaton in Hungary to have a dental implant. Chris enjoyed his time in Hungary so much he agreed to help promote the services of the dentist in the spa town of Heviz. From the beginning of 2017 the experienced staff led by Dr Nyaradi relocated to new state-of-the-art premises closer to the town centre and thermal lake. The practice has also been renamed Lotus Dental Heviz.
We all want you to be sufficiently impressed with your experience that you will feel confident in recommending the many and varied treatments. Our aim is to ease the process in seeking quality dental treatment overseas at a competitive price. As a guide, the cost of an implant in the U.K. can easily reach £2000. With Lotus Dental it is approx. 25% of that price.
Since establishing the business Chris has arranged for a significant number of customers to benefit from dentistry at Heviz. The most popular form of treatment is implants, where the senior English-speaking implantologist is utilised. Chris has a proven track record, rest easy that with him, your trip will be seamless and stress free. Chris has appeared on the BBC Radio 4 programme Excess Baggage and has also featured in the Daily Telegraph.
Hungary has established a reputation over many years as the premier dental country in Europe. Lotus Dental utilises the latest technology, providing a large scale of dental treatments, ranging from cosmetic work to crowns, implants and dentures, with the most advanced material and methods.
The practice uses the latest technology and equipment, so can justifiably state their dental lab is one of the most modern in this area.
Currently there is a special offer of complimentary airport transfers from Budapest or Bratislava where the cost of treatment is in excess of £2500.
. There are parking opportunities around the facility.Dr. Várkonyi Oszkár
4400 Nyíregyháza, Szegfü utca 56.
2000-ben a Debreceni Egyetem Orvos- és Egészségtudományi Centrum Fogorvostudományi Karán szerzett fogorvosi diplomát, ezt követően 2002-ben fog- és szájbetegségekből, majd 2008-ban konzerváló fogászatból és fogpótlástanból tett szakvizsgát. 2003 óta több fogorvosi körzetben is praktizál, emellett 2013-ban csatlakozott a Fresh24Dental csapatához.
H9200 Mosonmagyarovar, Gyümölcsös u. 37
Top-Dent is a private praxis which was established in 2000. It is located in a tranquil place which is easily accessible by car from 3 capital cities: Budapest, Vienna, or Bratislava. Both dentists are clinicians whose knowledge of dentistry ensures high quality of treatments of their patients. Top-Dent is equipped with the latest technologies that provides pain-free treatment …You will walk out of here with a smile! Our lab technicians have been receiving numerous international awards year after year. Top-Dent is a private practice which was established in 2000. It is located in a tranquil place which is easily accessible by car from 3 capital cities: Budapest, Vienna, or Bratislava. Both dentists are clinicians whose knowledge of dentistry ensures high quality of treatments of their patients. Top-Dent is equipped with the latest technologies that provides pain-free treatment …You will walk out of here with a smile! Our lab technicians have been receiving numerous international awards year after year. Treatments we offer: - Metalfree Crowns - Ceramic Veneers - Implants(Nobel Biocare)- Bleaching - Partial and full dentures- Hygienic treatment with Ultrasound - Periodontal Surgical Treatment with Emdogain - Surgical Extraction - Inlays We provide free transport from Vienna, Bratislava, Budapest and Balaton Airports. We provide free transfer to our clinic from the hotel. About dental implants: A dental implant is a small titanium fixture that serves as the replacement for the root portion of a missing natural tooth. The implant is placed in the upper or lower jaw. It will bond with the bone over time and thus serve as an anchor for the replacement tooth. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Die Zahnarztpraxis TOP-DENT im Zentrum von Mosonmagyaróvár, hinter dem Thermalbad wartet auf alle, die auf ihre Zahnprobleme niveauvolle Lösungen suchen. Der dynamischen Entwicklung der Zahnmedizin folgend bilden die metallfreien Keramikersätze und die Implantologie die Hauptpfeiler unserer Tätigkeit. Wir stehen aber natürlich auch in allen anderen Bereichen der Zahnheilkunde unseren Patienten zur Verfügung. Unsere Dienstleistungen:- Metallfreie Kronen- Verblendschale (Keramik)- Metall- und Edelmetallkronen mit Keramikverblendung- Keramik- und Edelmetallinlays- Zahnbleichen- Teil- und Vollprothesen- Mundhigienische Behandlungen mit Ultraschall- Zahnbehaltende Behandlungen mit Zahnfleisch - und Zahnbettregenerierung- Zahntaschenreinigung (auch operativ) - Kieferchirurgie (Weisheitszahnentfernung, Wurzelspitzenresektion) - Implantate(Nobel Biocare)- Labor Die Top-Dent Zahnarztpraxis befindet sich in Mosonmagyaróvár, an der nordwestlichen Grenze von Ungarn, 11 Km entfernt von dem Grenzübergang Nickelsdorf. Die Stadt ist das Tor der Schüttinsel, einer von Donauzweigen umgebenen Insel mit Naturschönheiten. Der größte Binnensee Mitteleuropas, der Neusiedlersee liegt nur 20 Km entfernt von der Stadt.Mosonmagyaróvár ist eine gemütliche Kleinstadt mit deutsch-ungarischer Tradition,die sich aber in den letzten Jahren dynamisch entwickelt. Touristen kennen unsere Stadt von ihrem Thermalbad. Unsere Praxis liegt in de Nähe des viel besuchten Thermalbades. Wir eröffneten unsere Praxis in einer stillen und ruhigen Umgebung, wo unsere Patienten auch einen mehrtägigen Aufenthalt genießen können. Die Top-Dent Zanharztpraxis hat 4 Angestellte. Unser Team besteht aus 2 Zahnärzten (einer Zahnärztin und einem Zahnarzt), aus einer Assistentin und einer Rezeptionistin. Die Oberärztin machte ihre eigene Praxis vor 3 Jahren auf Grund ihrer 10jährigen klinischen Erfahrungen auf. Das Vertrauen unserer Patienten verdienen wir mit unserer Arbeit hoher Qualität und mit der familiären Atmosphäre uns
Dr. Batorfi - Budapest
H1161 Budapest, Kenéz utca 36
Thinking of combining your trip to Budapest with a FREE Dental Consultation? Great idea. You would not regret to do so at Batorfi Dental Clinic, where luxury meets the latest in technology and your smile is our top priority. The team at Batorfi Dental Clinic is proud to offer the best possible dental service in a caring environment, providing our patients with a friendly, individualized and well-informed experience. We take time to get to know you and to discuss all your dental concerns and problems.
. There are parking opportunities around the facility. You can access us by public transport. The property has a wheelchair accessible toilet. There are disabled parking spots around the buildling. There is a patients bathroom. You can have free, wireless internet access while you are waiting. You can buy drugs on the on-site pharmacy. EAO - European Association for Osseointegration (Northern Ireland). DGOI - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Orale Implantologie e. V. (Germany. ICOI - International Congress of Oral Implantologists (International). AAID - American Academy of Implant Dentistry (US).Dr. Tóth Nándor
6500 Baja, Rókus utca 10.
1987-ben a Pécsi Orvostudományi Egyetemen szerzett általános orvosi diplomát, majd 1987 és 2003 között a Tolna Megyei Balassa János Kórház Baleseti Sebészeti Osztályán dolgozott. Eközben 1998-tól kezdve Tolna Megyei Balassa János Kórház Szájsebészeti Osztályának munkatársa lett. 2003-ban adjunktusi, 2005-ben főorvosi kinevezést kapott. Szakvizsgáit általános sebészetből, baleseti sebészetből, fog- és szájbetegségekből, szájsebészetből, valamint arc-, állcsont és szájsebészetből szerezte.
Otthon Dent
Budapest, 1118 Budapest Otthon u.1
High standard dental treatment in a pleasant atmosphere is the claim of this clinic situated in the heart of Budapest in Hungary. The clinic has a private dental laboratory and offers a guarantee for all treatment. Aesthetic dentistry, root canal treatments, prosthetics, oral surgery, tooth whitening, preventive dentistry, paediatric, family dentistry and orthodontics are offered at the clinic and the finest equipment is used during treatment. A treatment plan and estimate are given on the first visit free of charge.
Dr. Csibrey Éva dentist
Budapest, Filler Street 6
This clinic in Budapest Hungary was established 15 years ago by dentist Eva Csibrey. She is a fully qualified dentist and is an expert in general family dentistry. Cosmetic dentistry is also provided at the clinic. Oral surgery, root canals, fillings, dental jewelry, veneers, crowns, bridges and tooth whitening treatments are performed at the clinic. Overseas patients are welcome and there is an English speaking representative at clinic who can be contacted by telephone and email. Appointments, hotel stay and dental requirements are arranged by the staff.
1061 Budapest, 14 Kiraly Street
A group of ten dentists operate this clinic in Budapest in Hungary. The clinic is open all day every day and the dentists are constantly upgrading their knowledge. They are assisted by a team of qualified dental hygienists and dental nurses. The clinic arranges a complete treatment package for their overseas patients including travel bookings, airport pickup and drop off and hotel accommodation for the treatment. They claim that the entire package is cost effective compared to treatment in the West. Cosmetic dentistry, gum disease treatments, tooth whitening, root canals, fillings and implants are some of the many treatment options available in the clinic.
Kiralydent - Vaci Street
1052 Budapest, 9 Vaci Street
A group of ten dentists operate this clinic in Budapest in Hungary. The clinic is open all day every day and the dentists are constantly upgrading their knowledge. They are assisted by a team of qualified dental hygienists and dental nurses. The clinic arranges a complete treatment package for their overseas patients including travel bookings, airport pickup and drop off and hotel accommodation for the treatment. They claim that the entire package is cost effective compared to treatment in the West. Cosmetic dentistry, gum disease treatments, tooth whitening, root canals, fillings and implants are some of the many treatment options available in the clinic.
Gordan Dental Kft
Kaposvar, Biczo F U 13 Bajcsy Zsilinszky U 61
High quality dentistry in a quiet and serene environment is available at this private dental practice located at Kaposvar in Hungary. The team is highly qualified and have experience in treating local and overseas patients. The clinic is fitted with the latest dental equipment to achieve the best available oral and dental results for patients. Services at the clinic include professional dental cleaning, oral surgery and advanced surgical procedures and treatments for dental and oral diseases.
1052 Budapest, Fehérhajó u. 10
Established in 1991, Fog Asz Kft (Tooth Ace Ltd) has served many thousands of patients from the UK, Ireland and all over Europe. Our English and German speaking Hungarian and British staff are delighted to welcome you to our state-of-the-art practice in the heart of Budapest.
Honesty is the core of our business. We pride ourselves on providing only the FINEST treatment combined with the very best in customer care to give you a dental experience like no other.
Worried about visiting the dentist? Worry no more! With Fog Asz we shall put your mind at ease and help you overcome any fears you may have. Patience and empathy are a priority.
With FULL TRAVEL ASSISTANCE, COMPLIMENTARY AIRPORT TRANSFERS, FREE CONSULTATIONS, FREE X-RAYS and FREE, NO OBLIGATION DENTAL PLANS, please contact us with any enquiry and we shall be delighted to reply by email, phone or video call.
We assist with finding the best deals on flights and accommodation to suit all budgets. 24/7 Customer Care during your time in Budapest and we give you all you need to know to have a wonderful visit to our beautiful city.
Sample prices of our treatment: (ALL INCLUSIVE, NO HIDDEN EXTRAS)
IMPLANTS:€650 euro, Alpha Bio \'Neo\' (Lifetime Guarantee, registered and issued with world recognised warranty certificates.)WHITE CERAMIC CROWNS: €180 each.BRIDGE: simply priced per crown!VENEERS (Superior Grade) €310 per Veneer.INLAY : €180 euroROOT CANAL: from €70, MAX €110 euro for even the most complex of Root Canal Treatment.WHITE FILLING: €40-80 euroPROFESSIONAL HOME WHITENING with made-to-measure gum tray: €185HYGIENIST CLEAN: Free with treatments or €40*NO CHARGE FOR CONSULTATIONS / CHECK-UPS / DENTAL PLANS / ADVICE / X-RAYS*
We undertake ALL dental work and shall be delighted to provide you with a personal quotation, with no obligation whatsoever.
Our practice is modern, bright and airy, creating a relaxed atmosphere and features the very latest equipment.
Dr. Peter Benedek and his team of Technicians, Nurses and Master Ceramists look forward to welcoming you to the beautiful city of Budapest for the ultimate in dental care and service.
All work is FULLY GUARANTEED and 100% customer satisfaction is our goal.
With 24hr Customer Service during your visit and Full After Care, we are with you all the way before, during and after your treatment.
Our experienced customer service team will help you find the best deals on flights and accommodation to suit all tastes and budgets. Sit back and let us do the searching for you!
With flights to Budapest from 13 airports in the UK and Ireland alone, plus all over Europe, there has never a better or cheaper time to visit us.
Quality hotels & apartments start at only £20 / €25 per night.
Why not combine your visit with a city break? Budapest is the ideal city break destination. Our experienced team are experts in travel and tourism too and shall be happy to advise you on the best things to see and do as well as dining and night life to suit all tastes and interests.
Please contact us for a NO OBLIGATION quotation or to arrange an appointment. (Evening and Weekend appointments are available with NO extra cost!)
. The property has a wheelchair accessible toilet. You can access us without steps. There are disabled parking spots around the buildling. There is a patients bathroom. The clinic can help you in local travel.EU Dental Centre-Sopron
Sopron, Várkerület 6
We are proud of the fact that our team of dentists and dental prosthetic laboratory technicians have worked together for 10 years now. This facilitates a harmonic work execution and decision making together regarding further developments. We have sustained the private praxis character of our dental surgery, thus the dental procedures are performed in a relaxed environment and in a pleasant atmosphere with some music. Our dental surgery is air conditioned, and equipped also with an x-ray apparatus Our staff of experts has been stabile and unchanged for many years. GUARANTEE After free survey of the condition the patient will receive a quotation in writing, which shall be signed by the patient. By signing the quotation the patient expresses that both the treatment plan and the price are accepted.The praxis works in close cooperation with the Biodental dental prosthetic laboratory. Every work stage is discussed with the dental laboratory technician, and if necessary the case is also visually inspected by the dental laboratory technician. Based on the foregoing I provide the following guarantee for times with a clear conscience.For porcelain and metal parts: 5 yearsCombined work, with anchorage: 1 yearPlastic prosthesis: 2 yearsFilling: 5 yearsInlay: 5 yearsWhat guarantee comprises:If the denture fractures, cracks off, discolours or loosens in spite of proper usage, the mentioned defects are remedied free of charges.The guarantee does not cover the following:- Damages due to night bruxism - Improper usage - Damages due to an accidentThe guarantee applies to technological defects. We do not assume guarantee for diseases. /periodontitis, inflammation of a tooth after root canal therapy/If the patient undertakes the following: Control once a year /if necessary, more often/Calculus removalProper oral hygiene
. ESQH - European Society for Quality in Healthcare (International). ISO Certification - International Organization for Standardization (International). TÜV Rheinland - Technischer Überwachungsverein Rheinland (International).