Fogorvos, Magyarország 5700 orvos - további: Fogászat
Leírás, kérdésekDr. Szabó Csilla
4030 Debrecen, Vécsey u. 26
1993-banfogorvosi diplomát szereztem a Debreceni Orvostudományi Egyetemen.1995-ben Fog- és szájbetegségek szakvizsgát ,majd 2015-ben Konzerváló fogászat és Fogpótlástan szakvizsgát tettem. 1993-1999 között a DOTE Fogorvostudomyányi karán dolgoztam. Később külső óraadói tanárként oktattam 2005-ig. Jelenleg a 47. számú fogorvosi körzetben dolgozom. Itt várjuk hangulatos, családias rendelőnkben pácienseinket.
8200 Veszprém, Rózsa utca 33 (kapucsengő)
Rendelőnk Corident fogászati rendelő a Balatontól 10 km-re Veszprémben, a városközponthoz közel, csendes, kertvárosi környezetben a Rózsa u. 33-ban várja pácienseit.\nA barátságos családi ház földszintjén lévő rendelőinkben 3 fogszakorvos és 3 asszisztens dolgozik.\n. Az általános fogászaton kívül implantációval is foglalkozunk. Munkáinkra természetesen garanciát vállalunk.\nKérjen ingyenes állapotfelmérést a +36-88-428-650 -es telefonszámon. \n
dr. Radánovics-Nagy Dániel - fogorvos
1068 Budapest, Szondi utca 94.
Modern fogorvosi rendelő a Hősök tere mellett, szakmailag elkötelezett és empatikus fogorvossal.
DreamDent Fogászati Központ
9012 Győr, Hármashatár u 15. (Bejárat a Garan János utca felől)
Teljes körű fogászati ellátást biztosítunk magánrendelőként.\nTeljes digitális diagnosztikai háttér (panoráma röntgen ,fogászati CT, intraoralis röntgen ,teleröntgen)\nEsztétikai fogászat, hagyományos -és fémmentes (cirkónium ) koronák ,hidak .\nKivehető fogsorok. Implantátumos fogpótlások.\nSzájsebészet,implantológia.\nDentálhigiénia. Fogkőeltávolítás,air-flow, fogfehérítés ,fogékszer\nKlinikánk saját fogtechnikával rendlekezik.
Perident - Practice Dr. Peresztegi
9024 Győr, Nagy Imre út 93.
Egy fogászati magánrendelő gyakran drága mulatság, még akkor is, ha figyelembe vesszük a minőségi szolgáltatás értékét. Mit szólna, ha ugyanezt a minőséget reális áron kaphatná meg? Érdekelné Önt?
Fontosnak tartja Ön, hogy ha már egyszer be kell ülnie egy fogorvosi székbe, akkor a fogorvosa kedves és barátságos legyen, mindig tekintettel az Ön kéréseire, a lehető legkevesebb fájdalmat okozva a szükséges kezelések során?
Ha Önnek sürgős fogászati problémája van, biztosan nem szeretne napokat várni az első kezelésig és bizonyára azt sem szeretné, ha hetekig húzódnának a vizitek...
WellDental - Dorog
2510 Dorog, Hősök tere 11.
A jó fogorvos számára a legfontosabb a páciens elégedett és egészséges mosolya, amit a precíz, magasminőségű szolgáltatások mellett a kezelés körülményei tesznek teljessé. Modern fogászati rendelőnk számára ezért olyan környezetet választottunk, amely könnyen megközelíthető, és ahol a legújabb szakértelem és a nyugalom összhangja segíti a gyógyító munkát. Pácienseink így barátságos és megnyugtató légkörben élvezhetik minden igényt kielégítő, professzionális fogászati és szájhigiéniás szolgáltatásainkat.
Tapasztalatunkat, szakértelmünket és időnket örömmel állítjuk a legmagasabb szintű fogászati szakellátás szolgálatába, ugyanakkor pácienseink idejével kíméletesen bánunk. Pácienseinket előzetesen egyeztetett időpontban fogadjuk, akik sorban állás és felesleges várakozás nélkül érkezhetnek a fájdalommentes kezelésekre. Ennek köszönhetően kényelmes várónk a feszült várakozás helyett a ráhangolódás és relaxáció színhelye.
Büszkék vagyunk pácienseink bizalmára, akik érzik, hogy egy pillanatra sem felejtjük el: a fog végén egy ember ül. Ezért járnak hozzánk vissza hosszú évek óta – immár nem csak elégedett páciensként.
Akár esztétikai, akár megelőző, korrekciós vagy helyreállító kezelésre van szüksége, Önt is örömmel várjuk barátságos rendelőnkben, ahol belénk vetett bizalmát magas szintű professzionális ellátással háláljuk meg, hogy a kezelések végén egészségesebb és szebb mosolynak örülhessen.
WellDental - Budapest
1052 Budapest, Párizsi utca 1. (1/6)
A jó fogorvos számára a legfontosabb a páciens elégedett és egészséges mosolya, amit a precíz, magasminőségű szolgáltatások mellett a kezelés körülményei tesznek teljessé. Modern fogászati rendelőnk számára ezért olyan környezetet választottunk, amely könnyen megközelíthető, és ahol a legújabb szakértelem és a nyugalom összhangja segíti a gyógyító munkát. Pácienseink így barátságos és megnyugtató légkörben élvezhetik minden igényt kielégítő, professzionális fogászati és szájhigiéniás szolgáltatásainkat.
Tapasztalatunkat, szakértelmünket és időnket örömmel állítjuk a legmagasabb szintű fogászati szakellátás szolgálatába, ugyanakkor pácienseink idejével kíméletesen bánunk. Pácienseinket előzetesen egyeztetett időpontban fogadjuk, akik sorban állás és felesleges várakozás nélkül érkezhetnek a fájdalommentes kezelésekre. Ennek köszönhetően kényelmes várónk a feszült várakozás helyett a ráhangolódás és relaxáció színhelye.
Büszkék vagyunk pácienseink bizalmára, akik érzik, hogy egy pillanatra sem felejtjük el: a fog végén egy ember ül. Ezért járnak hozzánk vissza hosszú évek óta – immár nem csak elégedett páciensként.
Akár esztétikai, akár megelőző, korrekciós vagy helyreállító kezelésre van szüksége, Önt is örömmel várjuk barátságos rendelőnkben, ahol belénk vetett bizalmát magas szintű professzionális ellátással háláljuk meg, hogy a kezelések végén egészségesebb és szebb mosolynak örülhessen.
German Dental Clinic in Hungary
9200 Mosonmagyaróvár, Kert utca 21
Our private dental clinic is equipped with state of the art technology owing to the international clients who have been visiting us for over 14 years.
Our team is trained to cover all aspects of general dentistry. Our international qualifications ( see homepage) are acknowledged in the European Union.
Indeed, enormous savings can be made by choosing to have your dental work done in our clinic. It can cost less than 50% of the same treatment in the USA or in the UK. The favorable economic conditions in Hungary enable us to offer our patients high quality treatment at affordable, often amazingly low prices.
This is in a great part due to the lower operating costs and wages whereas the applied materials are the same well known brands used all over the world.
We are specialized on phobic patients,
minimal invasive surgery by dental laser,
oral surgery,
painless drilling (no anestesia needed) by kinematical abrasions therapy for fillings
and TMJ problems.
Our dental lab is included in the office, so we are flexible and can proof and correct any complication in time.
Anyhow, you never would feel
under pressure and stress during the treatment, because of using different mental sedations techniques and lot of time for the patients by the dentists.
Empathy is our slogan.
Both dentist speak fluently english, so there shouldn`t be any misunderstanding in communication.
So far, we try to give the patients a maximum of attention for his problems, and looking for the best individual solution.
to finish the treatment with a hand shake to the patients and beautiful new smile is our goal.
that`s why we call us HAPPY-DENT
Make the experience
Cakó Klinika
1027 Budapest, Királyfürdő u. 4.
Célunk, hogy pácienseink a Cakó Klinikán átfogó képet kaphassanak egészségi állapotukról és a legmegfelelőbb kezelésben részesítsük őket, mindezt modern és barátságos környezetben. Korszerű eszközökkel és holisztikus módszerekkel törekszünk rá, hogy ne csupán tüneteket kezeljünk, hanem a problémák felfedésével, az okok megszüntetésével érjük el az egészség helyreállítását.
Dr. Peresztegi Nagy Szabolcs
9024 Győr, Nagy Imre út 93.
Fogorvosi diplomája mellett általános orvosi diplomával is rendelkezik. A fogbeültetés és az implantológia szakterületére specializálódott. Egy új technológiának köszönhetően rendelőjében a beavatkozás előtt egy speciális szoftver segítségével tervezi meg a betegek fogainak pótlását.
1031 Budapest, Római tér 3
We are based in the heart of Budapest, the capital of Hungary. Our premises are elegantly designed to welcome patients and staff to a relaxing environment. We provide a comforting atmosphere in confidence. With respect to treatment and service, we aim to give patients the best of both. With relaxation and comfort in mind, our treatment rooms are fitted with audio-visual entertainment. Staff are always available and our informal consulting area offers patients a relaxed setting to receive professional advice. The dentist\'s office is equipped with the latest technology and surgery can be arranged easily. With an emphasis on the most modern equipment and complete professionalism, we provide a pleasant atmosphere ensuring that our patients feel at home. We are confident that we will make your smile last for years to come!. There are parking opportunities around the facility. You can access us by public transport. The property has a wheelchair accessible toilet. There are disabled parking spots around the buildling. There is a patients bathroom. You can have free, wireless internet access while you are waiting. You can buy drugs on the on-site pharmacy. The staff helps you organize international travel. The clinic can help you in local travel. You don't have to find accomodation far, as
Diamant-Dent Dental Medical Institut
H9200 Mosonmagyarovar, Régi Vámház tér 11.
Welcome at the Diamant-Dent Dental Medical Institut in Hungary!
Our main activity is the dental and oral surgery treatment. In addition we offer a wide selection of treatments in our Beauty-Salon and a pleasant stay at the Diamant-Dent Hotel during your dental treatment.
Why should you choose Hungary ?
The reason why patients choose Hungary for their dental treatment can be explained in two different ways. On the one hand, Hungarian dentistry has been acknowledged for decades. There are outstandingly well-trained dentists, who update their knowledge through continuous further education, in order to provide their patients dentistry of the highest level. On the other hand the patients can save a considerable part of the costs of the treatment.
Why should you choose the Diamant-Dent Dental Clinic for your dental treatment?
!You can save about 50-75 per cent of the dental treatment costs, you would have to pay in other European countries.
!The Health Insurance of the European countries accept and approve the detailed treatment and cost plan drawn up by our clinic.
!We can draw up your treatment and cost plan even without your personal visit by sending us your panorama X-ray photographs.
!You can brighten up your teeth during your holiday. Spend your holidays in our atmospheric town and in Hungary, with plenty of programmes to visit! The Diamant-Dent team will help you to organize your stay in Hungary!
The main goal of the Diamant-Dent team is to realize a high-quality teamwork between the patients and the dentists. The well-educated administration of the Diamant-Dent dental clinic take care of the smooth organizing of the course of treatment - beginning with the arrival, right until the journey home they control the coordination. The employees of the administration are competent and speak more languages, so that the communication between the patients and the team can be solved verbally and in writing, as well.
Our dentists are very experienced and have special training in dentistry:
• oral surgery• implantation• prothetics• healing of periodontosis and prophylaxis• aesthetic dentistry• orthodontics (fixed and removable dentures)
A team of quick and helpful assistants support the work of our dentists. Our well-trained dental assistants are an important part of our teams. Our qualified receptionists ensure the smooth course of the treatments and make provisions for the convenience and the peace of our hotel guests.
The 3D digital dental xray machine, which is the most innovated dental technology, has been offered by Diamant-Dent since 2009. Due to the 3D modelling patients have the opportunity to catch up the procedure of their dental andoral surgical treatments. Another important advantage of 3D X-ray is that our oral surgents can do their job with bigger confidence. We can give implantation as an example as the so called implant-planner software is able to define the location of the impants exactly.
. There are parking opportunities around the facility. You can access us by public transport. There are disabled parking spots around the buildling. There is a patients bathroom. You can have free, wireless internet access while you are waiting. You can buy drugs on the on-site pharmacy. The staff helps you organize international travel. The clinic can help you in local travel. You don't have to find accomodation far, asMy-Dental-Clinic -Budapest
1113 Budapest, Nagyszolos u. 11-15
We see thousands of patients annually at our dedicated facilities making us the No.1 overseas dental clinic for British patients.
VitalEurope is one of the world\'s leading dental healthcare service provider treating patients across Europe. Our handpicked dentists hold dental consultations in London, Paris and Budapest.
We are proud to have a staff of nearly 120 personnel including our highly qualified multilingual dentists,friendly and caring assistants, outstanding customer careand attentive reception staff.
Your teeth are unique and the way you feel about them is very personal. Some people long for a Hollywood smile; others just want quality restorative dentistry at a reasonable price.
Dental treatment, whether for cosmetic or functional reasons, is always a significant decision; and at VitalEurope we have expert aesthetic dentists, as well as implantologists, orthodontists, endodontists, periodontists and gnathologists all at hand.
Our dentists will meet you in a relaxed atmosphere and have ample time to discuss treatment alternatives, times and costs. In every case you will receive one or more detailed treatment plans so that you can make travel arrangements, take time off work, and budget accordingly.
In Budapest you’ll pay around 50% less than UK prices.
Or take advantage of our convenient Oxford Circus clinic and benefit from the most competitive prices around.
Our dentists see over 5,000 patients a year for crowns, bridges, implants, veneers, orthodontics and all types of cosmetic dentistry in Budapest and London. All treatments come with a 3 year guarantee and all our UK dentists are registered with the UK General Dental Council.
VitalEurope offers high quality, comprehensive dental services to help you improve and maintain good dental health and self-esteem.
Call us now to make an appointment for a no obligation consultation at Vital Europe Oxford Circus.
Consultation in London at Oxford Circus
VitalEurope dentists can see you in London and give you a detailed treatment plan. Here you will have a thorough check-up to assess your problem and receive a detailed treatment plan and estimated cost.
Budapest consultations are free, and there is a small charge in the UK which is deductible from the cost of your treatment.
Treatment in London or Budapest
Vital Europe can carry out most treatments in London. This costs somewhat more than in Budapest (doesn\'t everything in London) - but can save you a trip. At the consultation your dentist will explain your options.
Alternatively you can save up to 70% by travelling to Budapest for treatment and VitalEurope will help you organise your trip.
Aftercare in London
Any treatment comes with a three year guarantee and all dentists at VitalEurope\'s London clinic are registered with the UK General Dental Council. If you have any problems that are covered by VitalEurope\'s guarantee, their customer care staff will immediately arrange a check-up for you in the UK.
The company’s mission is to provide quality dental services in a caring and comfortable environment.
Our services include:
Dental Implants
Crowns and Bridges
Tooth Whitening
Bone substitution
Sinus Lift
Surgical Extraction and Resection
Tooth Coloured Fillings
Gnathological Treatment
Dentures (Full and Partial Dentures)
Root Canal Treatment
Teeth Cleaning Procedure
Pain-Free Anaesthesia
Orthodontic Treatment (DIRECTLY AT OUR LONDON CLINIC!!!) .
8315 Gyenediás, 11 Erzsébet Street
Our company Aesthetic-all, was formed in 2006 to provide a range of medical services for international clients. We are based in Keszthely, the beautiful regional capital at the west end of Lake Balaton. We provide extensive medical treatments including dentistry, dermatology, laser treatment and plastic surgery - all in one town, all within easy reach of accommodation and leisure facilities to suit all tastes and budgets.Our partner company offers a similar service, including comprehensive tourist opportunities, in Hungary\'s capital city, Budapest. Why Hungary? As a member of the European Union, Hungary abides by the same guarantee and regulation conditions as any other EU member state. Hungary also has a well-established tradition and reputation for medical excellence and Aesthetic-all is committed to ensuring the highest quality treatment for all our clients. Are Hungarian medical professionals as qualified as their Western European colleagues? Our doctors, dentists, dermatologists, plastic surgeons, dental technicians and others are highly qualified and participate in regular Continuing Professional Development Programmes to maintain their level of up-to-date skills, knowledge and understanding. Our aim is to consistently achieve higher standards than you would experience at home in order to justify the extra effort involved in planning travel and accommodation. How much more do you get? As the cost of labour here is still much less than in Western Europe, we can offer the same treatments for as little as 25% of the cost in your home country with no waiting lists! One transaction ensures medical services, accommodation and post-treatment leisure programmes to suit your personal budget and availability. AESTHETIC-ALL GIVES AN OPPORTUNITY TO GET DISCOUNTS FROM ALL MEDICAL SERVICES AND FACILITIES BY USING OUR BRONZE, SILVER AND GOLD MEMBERSHIP CARD.
Dr. Nagy András
8000 Székesfehérvár, Berényi út 33.
2000-ben a budapesti Semmelweis Egyetem Fogorvostudományi Karán szerzett diplomát, ezt követően az EL-DENT rendelőintézet munkatársa. 2009-ben konzerváló fogászatból és fogpótlástanból tett szakvizsgát. Fő szakmai érdeklődési körébe a Smile Design-Mosoly tervezés, az esztétikai fogászat, a fogfehérítés, valamint a fémmentes restaurációk készítése tartozik.
Dent Elite Tibavar
1015 Budapest, 1113 Budapest,, Tibavár u. 6th
We specialise in Dental Implants, Crowns, Veneers, Bridges, Teeth Whitening, and a full range of Cosmetic Dental Treatments. We are also experienced dental tourism specialists, giving you the right support throughout your stay. We are also experienced dental tourism specialists, giving you the right support throughout your stay. This very successful dental clinic located in the heart of Budapest, is lead by Dental Surgeon Dr. Norbert Pali. He leads a highly specialised team of dentists including; an oral surgeon, cosmetic dentist, aesthetic dentist, and dental implant specialists. Our warm and modern cosmetic dental clinic in Budapest is located in the heart of the City, a short walk from the World Heritage site, the Castle District. Our state of the art Cosmetic Dentist in Budapest is a thriving, dynamic practice, established in 2002. Since then it has grown, with four separate dental clinics across Europe in Vienna, Salzburg, Linz and Graz. We also have our own highly specialised aesthetic dental laboratory, which is the envy of every other Dentist in Budapest.Our aim is to provide the highest quality of dental treatment in Hungary and Europe. Due to lower wage demands and a lower cost of living in Hungary, we are able to offer this service at a much reduced rate to UK clinics. Whilst this makes the treatment a more affordable option for many UK, and North American residents, one should not conclude that it is an inferior service. The same standard of quality could only be found in top cosmetic surgeries in these respective countries. QUAILTY DENTAL TREATMENT BUDAPEST Our clinic is a 3M ESPE reference surgery, this is a prestigious industry mark of approval, ensuring that the highest quality of dental materials are used. 3M ESPE surgeries offer high quality treatment, together with a commitment to continuing research and patient care. When choosing a dentist abroad or comparing clinics put this requirement at the top of your list, it will ensure you get the best possible service and aftercare guarantee.We only use state of the art technology in our clinic, utilizing the latest equipment available for our patients. Technology includes: digital panoramic x-ray equipment intra-oral dental cameras lasers conscious sedation and general anaesthetic zirconium crowns representing the newest technology Zoom and Brightsmile teeth whitening including a before/after photo latest and most sophisticated dental implant package mercury free office
Budapest Dental
1137 Budapest, Szent Istvan Kr. 10.3 Em 8
Budapest dental is greeting you! One of the most elite dental offices of Hungary welcomes its dear English patients. Using the ultramodern technologies of the 21st century, the professional dentist team of the dental office of Budapest Dental offers you ideal solutions at the highest standard for achieving a charming smile. Present yourself with perfect juvenile smile in the frame of a pleasant vacation in Budapest! We know it very well that most of the patients would prefer keeping a large distance from any dental chair. It is enough to recall one unpleasant dental treatment to fill them with fear. However, professional dentists of BUDAPEST DENTAL PAY ATTENTION TO YOU AND CARE ABOUT YOU. The ultramodern dental devices and the state-of-the-art technology of the 21(st) century give the opportunity of perfectly pain-free treatments to our experienced dentist team. WE INTEND TO ACHIEVE THAT YOU RETURN TO US ALWAYS WITH A SMILE BECAUSE YOU TRUST US, OUR EXPERIENCES AND EXPERTISE...
Rosengarten Dental
9400 Sopron, Lackner Kristóf u. 64
The Rosengarten Dental Clinic in Hungary was established in an effort to provide more than just a simple surgical intervention for those interested in receiving dental treatments in Hungary. The clinic has got all what it takes to offer a full range of services in dental tourism and to turn treatments into a pleasant experience to its patients. a dental clinic furnished with state-of-the-art equipment dentists with thorough knowledge and significant history of professional experience who speak German and English qualified assistant staff plastic surgery beauty salon 350 m2 Rosengarten Hotel - a three-star hotel with 26 rooms and a Turkish bath Rosengarten Restaurant - a restaurant with a winter garden and a terrace Dental treatments... ...up to 60% discount You can achieve up to 60% discount with our low dental prices. Example: A tooth implantation costs an average of GBP 1,700 in England which is more than HUF 610,000 while the same costs only one third in our surgery. transfert expenses If patients travel by air or train, they are transferred from the airport free of charge (Vienna airport 60 km, Bratislava 90 km). ...hotel accommodation free of charge During your stay here you may receive a discount from our hotel costs, and even have accommodation free of charge depending on your dental treatment. ...20% discount from the beauty salon prices 20% price discount from each service of our beauty salon. 7-day programme Dental Holiday Why not connect your dental treatment with a 7-day holiday?If you wish we help you to organize programs for your free time. Day 1: arrival, screening test, preparation of plan of treatment, quotation, commencement of treatmentDay 2-5: facultative programmesDay 6: trial, handing overDay 7: departureThe programme is subject to change depending on the number and duration of treatments. (telescopic crowns, combined prostheses)Implantation treatment (3+7 days)If you arrive to receive an implantation treatment, the implant is first put in place which takes one day (2-3 days including inward and outward journey) and then after a healing period of 1-3-6 months, the superstructure (bridge, crown) can be prepared within 10 days in the framework of our dental programme, or a prosthesis will be prepared immediately on the freshly placed implant provided that sufficient bone is available and the patient will be able to leave the surgery with usable teeth that day or the day after.
Dent Elite
1015 Budapest, 1015 Budapest, Hattyú utca 16.
We specialise in Dental Implants, Crowns, Veneers, Bridges, Teeth Whitening, and a full range of Cosmetic Dental Treatments. We are also experienced dental tourism specialists, giving you the right support throughout your stay. We are also experienced dental tourism specialists, giving you the right support throughout your stay. This very successful dental clinic located in the heart of Budapest, is lead by Dental Surgeon Dr. Norbert Pali. He leads a highly specialised team of dentists including; an oral surgeon, cosmetic dentist, aesthetic dentist, and dental implant specialists. Our warm and modern cosmetic dental clinic in Budapest is located in the heart of the City, a short walk from the World Heritage site, the Castle District. Our state of the art Cosmetic Dentist in Budapest is a thriving, dynamic practice, established in 2002. Since then it has grown, with four separate dental clinics across Europe in Vienna, Salzburg, Linz and Graz. We also have our own highly specialised aesthetic dental laboratory, which is the envy of every other Dentist in Budapest.Our aim is to provide the highest quality of dental treatment in Hungary and Europe. Due to lower wage demands and a lower cost of living in Hungary, we are able to offer this service at a much reduced rate to UK clinics. Whilst this makes the treatment a more affordable option for many UK, and North American residents, one should not conclude that it is an inferior service. The same standard of quality could only be found in top cosmetic surgeries in these respective countries. QUAILTY DENTAL TREATMENT BUDAPEST Our clinic is a 3M ESPE reference surgery, this is a prestigious industry mark of approval, ensuring that the highest quality of dental materials are used. 3M ESPE surgeries offer high quality treatment, together with a commitment to continuing research and patient care. When choosing a dentist abroad or comparing clinics put this requirement at the top of your list, it will ensure you get the best possible service and aftercare guarantee.We only use state of the art technology in our clinic, utilizing the latest equipment available for our patients. Technology includes: digital panoramic x-ray equipment intra-oral dental cameras lasers conscious sedation and general anaesthetic zirconium crowns representing the newest technology Zoom and Brightsmile teeth whitening including a before/after photo latest and most sophisticated dental implant package mercury free office
Prime Dental Clinic
1027 Budapest, Duck utca 5
Why should you come to the dentist in Budapest? Because you can have the best dental treatment in eastern europe at a fraction of UK prices. Dental implants and cosmetic dental treatment are our speciality. Imagine how confident you will feel with a new smile after you complete your cosmetic dental treatment with a dentist in Budapest, Hungary. Cosmetic dentistry at its best. Contact us NOW and find out how you can improve your appearance with new teeth. Be one of the sophisticated dental tourists who are flocking to Budapest in Hungary. Come to our dental clinic in Budapest for dental implants, porcelain veneers, porcelain and zirconium oxide crowns, restorative dentistry and Zoom tooth whitening. Take advantage of the impressive range of dental skills in our dental clinic. DENTAL TREATMENTS 3i american implant system Pitt-Easy Dental Implants Zeno Zircon - Zirconium oxide - crowns Porcelain Veneers Gradia inlays and onlays Zirconium Oxide implant crowns Full dentures, plastic and cast metal Partial dentures Precision attachments Extractions Surgical extractions Wisdom tooth extractions Composite fillings ZOOM tooth whitening - ask for the best, ask for Zoom Panoramic x-ray Hygiene treatment Root canal treatment Post/cores Bone augmentation Sinus Lifts
Dr. Takács Dávid
9021 Győr, Szabadsajtó utca 24.
2006-ban a budapesti Semmelweis Egyetem Fogorvostudományi Karán szerzett fogorvosi diplomát, ezt követően ezt követően konzerváló fogászatból és fogpótlástanból tett szakvizsgát. A Magyar Orvosi Kamara tagja. Lumineers diplomával rendelkezik. Szakmai érdeklődési körébe elsősorban az esztétikai fogászat tartozik.
Meditours Hungary - Cosmetic Dentistry
1075 Budapest, Kazinczy u. 9
About Meditours Hungary
Meditours, established as an agent company for travel & treatment abroad to Budapest, Hungary, was established in 2005 and has 8 proven years success in managing our clients\' needs in cosmetic surgery and cosmetic dentistry.
. You can access us by public transport. You can have free, wireless internet access while you are waiting. The clinic can help you in local travel. You don't have to find accomodation far, as
Dr. Konta, Imre
1024 Budapest, Retek utca 17
Private dentist with two dental practices, one in the heart of Buda and the other in Gödöllo 30 km to east from Budapest (tourist region). Full range of dental services from filling to implants, eastetic dentistry, crowns, bridges, whitening.
Dr. KONTA, Imre - Gödöllő
2100 Gödöllő, Mátyás király u. 12
Private dentist with two dental practices, one in the heart of Buda and the other in Gödöllo 30 km to east from Budapest (tourist region). Full range of dental services from filling to implants, eastetic dentistry, crowns, bridges, whitening.