Fogszabályozó szakorvos, Magyarország 5497 orvos - további: Fogszabályozás
Leírás, kérdésekDr. Kelbert Éva
8000 Székesfehérvár, Szt. János köz 2
A megadott időpontok tájékoztató jellegűek. Eltérés esetén telefonon kapcsolatba lépünk Önnel.
Kellemes légkörben, modern, jól felszerelt fogorvosi rendelőnkben teljes körű fogászati ellátást nyújtunk gyermekektől a nagyszülőkig.
Kellemes légkörben nyújt teljes körű fogászati ellátást minden korosztály számára. A szájhigiénés és esztétikai kezeléseket magas színvonalon végzi.
- fogorvos
Dr. Remport Boglárka
1181 Budapest, Üllői út 419.
2008-ban a Semmelweis Egyetem Fogorvostudományi Karán szerzett fogorvosi diplomát summa cum laude minősítéssel, ezt követően fogszabályozó központi gyakornok lett a Semmelweis Egyetem Gyermekfogászati és Fogszabályozási Klinikáján. 2011-ben fogszabályozásból tett szakvizsgát. 2009 óta tagja a Magyar Orthodontusok Társaságának és a Magyar Gyermekfogászati és Fogszabályozási Társaságnak, 2010 óta pedig a European Orthodontic Societynek. Szakmai továbbképzések rendszeres látogatója.
Lukács Fogászat
1026 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 45/B
Figyelmes orvosaink több fogászati szakterületen állnak az Önök rendelkezésére. Szolgáltatásaink között szerepel esztétikai fogászat, konzerváló fogászat, fogpótlás, szájsebészet, parodontológia, fogkőeltávolítás, fogfehérítés, gyermekfogászat, és fogszabályozó szakorvossal is dolgozik együtt rendelőnk.
Dr. Sulyok Lili
1116 Budapest, Fehérvári út 168-178.
2011-ben végezett a Semmelweis Egyetem Fogorvostudományi Karán summa cum laude minősítéssel. Végzése óta az Egyetem Arc- Állcsont- Szájsebészeti Klinikáján dolgozik rezidens orvosként, ahol a betegellátás mellett részt vesz magyar és külföldi hallgatók oktatásában is. 2012-ben csatlakozott a Kondorosi Fogászat éppen épülő csapatához. Munkáját igyekszik pontosan, precízen végezni és mindig próbál gondoskodni a kezelés közbeni jó hangulatról - pácienseink megelégedésére.
Dr. Demeter Tamás
1088 Budapest, Szentkirályi utca 47. 6. emelet
Dr. Demeter Tamás vagyok, 2012-ben végeztem a Semmelweis Egyetem Fogorvostudományi Karán. Jelenleg konzerváló fogászat és fogpótlástan szakorvosképzésemet végzem a Semmelweis Egyetem fogászati kinikáján, ahol fogorvostanhallgatók oktatásával és kutatással is foglalkozom.
Érdeklődési területem az esztétikai és a restauratív fogászat a minimálinvazív fogászat, a mosolytervezés, valamint az endodoncia.
Munkámat mindig igyekszem nagy lelkesedéssel és odafigyeléssel, a szakma szabályai szerint, ugyanakkor fájdalommentesen végezni. Rendszeresen járok továbbképzésekre, kongresszusokra, valamint folyamatosan nyomon követem szakterületem újdonságait, és a megszerzett tudást pácienseim ellátásakor is igyekszem alkalmazni.
Dr. Korbai-Kontra Henriett
1081 Budapest, Népszínház Utca 20.
2001-ben a budapesti Semmelweis Egyetemen szerzett fogorvosi diplomát, ezt követően 2003-ban fog- és szájbetegségekből, majd 2006-ban konzerváló fogászatból és fogpótlástanból tett szakvizsgát. Fogászati beavatkozások, kezelések széles tárháza áll a hozzá forduló betegek rendelkezésére. Szolgáltatásai közt az általános fogászati beavatkozásoktól kezdve a fogpótlások készítésén keresztül az esztétikai fogászati eljárásokig a fogászat minden területe megtalálható.
Globe Centre
6724 Szeged, Kenyérgyári út 4
Szeged's most modern dentistry
The Globe Center Health Center is one of the newest and most modern institutions in Szeged that provides dental and relaxation treatments for visitors who have important health and preservation of their teeth.
- highly qualified professionals
- adult and childcare
- massage and bone-cutting
- demanding, cultured environment
- a friendly atmosphere
- free Wi-Fi service
Szilani-Beauty Szépségszalon
1204 Budapest
Ha a tökéletes harmóniát keresi, akkor nálunk megtalálja mindazt, amely a test és lélek egybe fonódott egyensúlyát megteremti. Rendkívül barátságos környezetben, kedvező árakkal, magasan képzett nagy múltú szakemberekkel várjuk vendégeinket, akik mindent megtesznek azért, hogy Ön is jól érezze magát a testében.
Dr. Kővágó Péter Zoltán
6000 Kecskemét, Petőfi Sándor utca 4, I. em.1
Graduated from the Department of Dentistry at Semmelweis Medical University in Budapest in 1984 and then opened his first private practice one year later. Dentalion Ltd. was founded in 1994 by resigning from the position of chief medical officer. The company deals with adult and childcare services, adult and child orthodontics, and dental implants.
Adult and child orthodontics, adult and child general dentistry, dental implantation.
Specialty: orthodontics of adults, oral surgery, dental implantation
Vitalitás Fogászati Központ
1161 Budapest, Rákosi út 91
Would you like to have beautiful teeth quick, painlessly?
Are you struggling with fear of dental treatment?
Do you want modern dental treatment in a friendly environment, in a friendly atmosphere, all at an affordable price?
Vitality Dental Center
We would like to offer you expert help in our new office, Budapest XVI. in the heart of the district. We know that most people are anxious by dental treatment, and do not even like to visit a dental office. The reason for this is most of all: the memory of previous unpleasant dental treatments, and the long wait before interventions. Our air-conditioned waiting room and dental rooms are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, with high quality work, a smile, kindness and a relaxed atmosphere. We will be waiting at your appointment, without making you wait.
Vitality Dental Center's main virtue is the good-natured, youthful company that still has a "hundred years" professional experience and more than 20,000 satisfied patients behind it. Our specialists are constantly training themselves, discussing special cases at a weekly meeting, expanding the team's knowledge base. We hope that we can win your trust and we have the opportunity to prove our commitment and professionalism.
We also have such a nice atmosphere in our clinic because we really want to take care of you!
Esthetik Dent Kft.
1139 Budapest, Forgách u. 19. Gold Irodaház, II. Emelet 211.
Szakmai életutam a garancia arra, hogy az Esthetik Dent páciensei a legszakszerűbb ellátást kapják!
Vital Europe Fogászati központ
1113 Budapest, Nagyszőlős utca 11-15
The VitalEurope Dental Center is visited by more than 300 patients every month, and many patients travel tens of thousands of miles for our services, and one is common to each and everyone of our clients, they leave us with a confident smile.
VitalEurope is one of the world's largest dental service centers, located in Budapest, London and Paris. At our clinic, 16 dentists serve the needs, all of whom are highly qualified language specialists doing thousands of dental work every year.
Our dental surgeons plant hundreds of implants every month, and our dentists help you find your personalized smile, and our orthodontic specialists find tailored solutions to your specific problems.
In addition to our doctors, 12 dental hygienists and 14 dental technicians are at your disposal. Our team of hundred employees, is working to provide you with outstanding dental services at an affordable price.
In the heart of Buda, near the Kosztolányi Dezső square, eight spacious dental rooms await you at VitalEurope Dental Center.
Suba Dental
1024 Budapest, Rózsahegy utca 10
Our dental clinic is chiefly specialized in implantology (dental implants), oral surgeries performed in conscious sedation (implants, tooth extraction, wisdom tooth extraction, dental implants) and aesthetic dentistry. Our highly qualified dental practitioners participate in numerous domestic and international training courses. Patients from over the world avail themselves of our services including France, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Great Britain, Ireland, the United States, etc.
State-of-the-art implant machinery complements the cosy and amicable ambiance of our clinic. The dental materials used by us are mainly Western European, US and Japanese makes. Crowns, inlays, dentures, fillings, etc. are manufactured with cutting-edge technology using high-quality materials and complying with European standards. Our staff ensures that your dental intervention is associated with a minimum amount of pain, and that you leave with a healthy and confident smile.
Our modern and upmarket clinic is situated in the beautiful greenbelt area of Rózsadomb (Rose Hill). Suba Dental can be excellently approached both by car and by public transport. Your treatment is rendered less distressing by our tastefully appointed waiting room equipped with television, Wi-Fi with ambient music playing in the background. Our clinic also hosts a temporary painting exhibition, with each of the paintings on display on sale.
Dr. Párkányi László
6720 Szeged, Vár u. 7. (4-es kapucsengő)
Szeged belvárosában exkluzív parodontológiai és általános fogászati rendelő, ahol a páciens az első!
1039 Budapest, Rákóczi utca 36
Our physicians sincerely care about the problems of our patients, you are guaranteed to be in the right place. We at Optimadent say that if we can not smile or have a beautiful smile, it affects our whole life and work, therefore, according to current medical science, we will do our utmost to leave you satisfied. Beside the human and professional background, we have outstanding technical standards and state-of-the-art equipment and materials. You just have to get a free consultation, and you will get the best treatment, guaranteed.
9200 Mosonmagyaróvár, Kert utca 21
A friendly dental clinic in Hungary, close to the Austrian border. Our profile: dental treatments – low cost and fast.
The economic circumstances make it possible for us to offer treatments at a much lower cost, compared to other countries. Due to the high capacity of the clinic there are no wait lists.
We always strive to create a relaxing and calming atmosphere for our patients. There is no pressure due to other appointments, which means we can work with your individual needs.
1139 Budapest, Gömb utca 44
Why choose CompletDent?
Imagine that the most modern dental technology works for your smile and that you can reach the beautiful, healthy teeth without pain.
Sounds unbelievable? Actually it is not.
But instead of generalities, lets look at the facts why you should choose CompletDent:
- You can save time
- High medical background
- High-tech diagnostics, high-tech dentistry
- Minimally invasive procedures and painless treatments
- We use trusted brands
- Wide range of guarantees
- Stress-free environment at moments of waiting
- Easily accessible
- A complete solution for the family
Implant Dentist Hungary
8380 Hévíz, Egregyi utca 13
If you have a problem with your teeth, gums, or smile, or you would like to have healthy and beautiful teeth, please contact us. We have decades of experience in aesthetic dentistry and dental implants.
During the first consultation, after clinical and x-ray examinations we provide a personalized treatment plan and quotation free of charge. Consultation is free, but minor charge applies for the X-ray examinations. Upon request, a copy of the CT and OP X-ray can be available on CD.
We are also able to provide treatment plan and quotation based on recent clinical data (X-ray and clinical examination) carried out by another clinic if our potential patient is in a position to forward it to us.
While we are able to give our quotation to the patient for their existing treatment, we reserve the right to modify the treatment plan based on our clinical examination. We return all received clinical data and information when we provide the quote.
When asked, we will schedule dates and complete the recommended treatment.
6726 Szeged, Fülemüle utca 22
When creating a friendly, peaceful environment at our clinic equipped with state-of-the-art dental machines and instruments, we aimed at providing a safe atmosphere for our patients.
Forget about crowded waiting rooms, long hours of waiting, impersonal treatment. Our private clinic offers professional personalised services for you.
Our staff is committed to giving adequate and clear information, caring for your needs and convenience, as well as maintaining high professional standards.
Wide range of treatments
Professional services at Fehér Dent Aesthetic Dental Clinic
Besides providing pain and stress-free dental treatments, dental clinics are expected to be well-equipped, relaxing and cosy. Patients expect high professional standards, respectful manners, the best solution to their problems and clear information about treatments.
Dental treatments in Szeged
Fehér Dent Aesthetic Dental Clinic meets all expectations, which is also reflected by the entries in the Visitors’ Book of the clinic. Our patients trust our dentists, who have high professional standards, nice manners and a patient-centred attitude. 20 years of experience, modern equipment and high quality materials have all contributed to the good reputation and popularity of the clinic.
Complex services at the same clinic
Our clinic offers a wide range of services: treatments for children, orthodontic treatment, tooth replacement, tooth whitening, scaling, cosmetic treatments, oral surgical interventions, implant placement. Fehér Dent Aesthetic Dental Clinic is unique to provide biological dental treatments with metal-free solutions. We also offer invisible orthodontic treatment for those who would like to smile bravely with braces in their mouth.
No more painful treatment
Pain relief during dental treatment is essential. Our dentists apply the latest approaches to pain relief. We also offer sedation (sleep) dentistry to reduce your fear of dental treatments. Sedation dentistry allows us to perform all kinds of dental treatment. Providing guarantee for fixed dental prostheses is a novelty service at the clinic and the dental laboratory, and it shows the high quality of materials used for your treatment.
9024 Győr, Nagy Imre út 93.
5 good reasons for you to choose Perident Dental Clinic in Gyor,Hungary
Competive prices
Friendly staff and modern instalations
Precise dental work
Extensive experience treating foreign patients including English and Swiss patients
Experience in full mouth rehabilitation,Oral surgery and Implantology
Well Dental
1052 Budapest, Párizsi utca 1.
The most important thing for a good dentist is the patient's happy and healthy smile, which, in addition to the high quality services and the conditions of treatment, complete it. For our modern dental clinic we have chosen an environment that is easy to access and where the latest expertise and peace of mind assists the healing work. Our patients can enjoy our professional dental and oral hygiene services in a friendly and reassuring atmosphere.
Our experience, expertise and time are delighted to serve the highest level of dental care, but we treat them with our patients' time in a gentle way. Our patients are admitted at a pre-arranged appointment, who can come to a painless treatment without waiting and waiting unnecessarily. Thanks to this, our comfortable waitress is the scene of tune-up and relaxation rather than tense waiting.
We are proud of the trust of our patients who feel that they will not forget for a moment: at the end of a tooth a person is sitting. That's why they have come back to us for many years - now not just as a satisfied patient.
Whether you are looking for aesthetic or preventive, corrective or restorative treatment, we look forward to welcoming you with a high level of professional care to give you a healthier and more beautiful smile at the end of your treatment.
Dentsi Fogászat
7624 Pécs, Hungária út 53/1
The emblematic foundation stone of our dental practice is certainly connected with my father's grandfather, Simon József, who had a dental laboratory and dental surgery. And according to the witnesses, I have been trying to provide the insignia of the profession in my childhood.
With my father, starting a family business, our old dream could be realized. Our main profile is preservative dentistry, that is, tooth preservation, aesthetic solutions, and the production of fixed and partial or complete removable prostheses. All of this at affordable prices in high quality. High quality is guaranteed by our European quality dental laboratory, our ISO and TÜV certified materials and technologies, as well as family tradition and professional commitment.
Of course, you can trust us regarding dental implants, or even whitening of colored teeth.
In our wider family many have chosen to work in the dental field, so I can assure you that we will offer you the most suitable solution for any dental problem!
Kreativ Dental
1141 Budapest, Vezér út 100.
Kreativ Dental has offered unrivalled world class dental treatment in Budapest since the establishment of our first clinic in 1996. Hungary is known as the ""Capital of Dental Tourism"" not just because we offer affordable dental services compared to Western European dental clinics but also because the standard of dental care provided by us meets or exceeds the standards found anywhere else in the world.
We specialise in Dental Implants, Artificial Bone Replacement, Sinus Lifting, Periodontal Surgery, Dental CAT Scans, and Porcelain Crown and Bridgework.
Cosmetic dentistry is another area of speciality for us. Our porcelain crowns are manufactured in our world-class laboratory. The laboratory is on-site and is equipped with the latest German and Japanese technology. But most importantly, 6 of our dental technicians are master craftsmen.
Activ Dental
1051 Budapest, Hercegprimas utca 14-16.
Our professional English speaking team at Activ Dental will help you to get the smile of your dreams. We offer specialized ISO 9001 certified dentistry of the highest possible standard all at an affordable price.
Our Activ Dental clinic is perfectly located within the historical heart of Budapest district V. close to the breathtaking St. Steven Basilica and within walking distance of the world renowned Chain Bridge and Castle.
The Activ Dental Clinic specializes in both Chirurgical and Esthetic dental treatments. We treat our valued patients with the special care they deserve and are dedicated to their personal dental needs.
World class dentistry in a beautiful setting usually comes with a less-than-beautiful pricetag. This is what makes Activ Dental so different.
We offer a wide range of dental services at extremely affordable prices in the historic heart of Budapest.
Our highly-skilled team of English and German speaking dentists will make you feel very welcome as they efficiently and painlessly take care of your every dental need while using the latest technology.
Even with your travel to Hungary, you will end up saving a considerable sum of money while still receiving top notch care. You also get to enjoy a short break in Budapest, and our clinic is just a stone’s throw from the stunning Saint Stephen’s Basilica and the picturesque Széchenyi Chain Bridge.
Our clinic maintains the highest ISO 9001 certified dentistry standards and we pride ourselves on the level of care and comfort you will receive throughout your treatment. We are dedicated to giving you a beautiful and healthy smile, at a price that is sure to make you smile even more.
Activ Dental is a friendly dental clinic in the heart of Budapest, Hungary. Our medical centre is located near the St. Stephen's Basilica where we welcome our patients from around the world.
fixed restoration 3 years
remuable restoration 1 year
Implants (implant only) 5-10 years
sealing 2 years