Female Breast Augmentation, Hungary - Reduction (Plastic surgery) 38 clinics' services (314 Plastic surgeon)
Description, questions
Breast reduction or increase in the size of the asymmetry, the elimination of possible malingering breast plastic surgery. The breast surgery is a collective term that includes breast augmentation, breast lift to the breast reduction, surgery may be done on the nipples as well.
Alak Stúdió
Dermatologist Dentist Plastic surgeon Allergist Orthodontist Dental technician Dental assistant Oral surgeon
1068 Budapest, Városligeti fasor 28
Emlő kisebbítés - műtét
altatással együtt
Alak Stúdió Plasztikai Sebészet
Budapest, Városligeti fasor 28.
Emlő kisebbítés
Orvosi Vizsgálat
Elite Clinic
4025 Debrecen, Piac u 77.C épület, földszint 2.
Plasztikai Sebészet