Szájsebész, Magyarország 5472 orvos - további: Fogászat
Leírás, kérdésekKIEMELT

Dentys Dental Clinic
9012 Győr, Hármashatár út 14, földszint 3
Our dental surgery in the XXI. equipped with the most modern tools of the century.
Our dentistry operates with panorama and digital X-ray, whose images are immediately analyzed locally and delivered to our patients. Dentys' own quality assurance system is an active part of the dental practice software, which digitally guides the status of our guests. Thanks to the software, the slightest changes will not remain unnoticed, but the necessary and performed treatments will be recorded in this system as well. After you have taken our treatment, we provide a detailed summary, in which you can easily and comprehensively review the condition of your teeth.
It is one of the most modern in the clinic, but we have kept the calm family atmosphere. He will arrive with us calmly and with satisfaction, he will be cured!
If your health is to think long-term, choose Dentys's team.
1. In our dental clinic, we provide complete care in dentistry, dentistry, oral hygiene and artifacts.
2. Our experts have experienced specialists who are constantly trained and know the latest trends in dentistry.
3. In our clinic, we employ the cutting-edge technologies of present dentistry, using only modern and reliable tools.
4. Get a detailed, understandable treatment plan from our doctors so you will not be surprised.
5. You are really in the center of us. From the time of our signing, our colleagues are politely assisting you to complete healing.
6. We undertake our work and implant implants and materials.
7. You will find us a long-term reliable dental partner
Kleopátra Szépségszalon
1132 Budapest, Visegrádi u.8.
Megteremteni Vendégeink számára a magabiztos megjelenést, becsempészni rohanó hétköznapjaikba a szépségápolási luxust és kultúrát valóban kedvező árakon kortól, nemtől függetlenül, határok nélkül.Fenntartani Munkatársaink számára egy olyan, hosszú távon megbízható munkahelyet, amelyben szakmailag kiteljesedhetnek, ahol egyéni sikerességükben tükröződhet vissza a csapatmunkában rejlő energia és szeretet.
Implant Dentist Hungary
8380 Hévíz, Egregyi utca 13
If you have a problem with your teeth, gums, or smile, or you would like to have healthy and beautiful teeth, please contact us. We have decades of experience in aesthetic dentistry and dental implants.
During the first consultation, after clinical and x-ray examinations we provide a personalized treatment plan and quotation free of charge. Consultation is free, but minor charge applies for the X-ray examinations. Upon request, a copy of the CT and OP X-ray can be available on CD.
We are also able to provide treatment plan and quotation based on recent clinical data (X-ray and clinical examination) carried out by another clinic if our potential patient is in a position to forward it to us.
While we are able to give our quotation to the patient for their existing treatment, we reserve the right to modify the treatment plan based on our clinical examination. We return all received clinical data and information when we provide the quote.
When asked, we will schedule dates and complete the recommended treatment.
Dr. Czinkóczky Béla
1088 Budapest, Bródy Sándor utca 28. földszint 1
Our goal is to spread the highest quality dental culture.
We work every day to get to know the adult population a
- state of the art dental and implantation procedures and
- technical solutions and those
- to be available to them.
Our desire to provide special and damaged implantation cases in accordance with the rules of the profession is a way of reassuring the patient's treatment, care, and restoration of the condition.
It is very important for us to have our patients
- honesty and professional humility,
- the best tools and
- let's use the protocols.
Our goal is to spread this approach a
further training of the widest range of dentists and assistants,
in the possession of this expertise, to be able to reach and transmit our professional standards.
Globe Centre
6724 Szeged, Kenyérgyári út 4
Szeged's most modern dentistry
The Globe Center Health Center is one of the newest and most modern institutions in Szeged that provides dental and relaxation treatments for visitors who have important health and preservation of their teeth.
- highly qualified professionals
- adult and childcare
- massage and bone-cutting
- demanding, cultured environment
- a friendly atmosphere
- free Wi-Fi service
1039 Budapest, Rákóczi utca 36
Our physicians sincerely care about the problems of our patients, you are guaranteed to be in the right place. We at Optimadent say that if we can not smile or have a beautiful smile, it affects our whole life and work, therefore, according to current medical science, we will do our utmost to leave you satisfied. Beside the human and professional background, we have outstanding technical standards and state-of-the-art equipment and materials. You just have to get a free consultation, and you will get the best treatment, guaranteed.
1134 Budapest, Szent István körút 4. 3rd floor
CONTIDENT , the Hungarian dental travel expert will help you !
Our dental clinic provides dental treatment in Budapest. Hungary is one of the best countries for dental implants and aesthetic dentistry in Europe.
In our dental surgery, expertise is centered around DENTAL IMPLANTS & AESTHETICS.
We pride ourselves on giving you a smile to really show off. You are in safe hands with our experienced specialists with most treaments being completed within a 3-5 days and carried out in the heart of Budapest.
Your well being whilst in Budapest is of utmost importance to us. We want you to enjoy your stay here both in the city and during your treatment. Even our affordable dentistry price will make you smile!
Szendreident Fogászat
1111 Budapest, Karinthy Frigyes út 2. II.em./1.
Dr. Szendrei Balázs vagyok. A Szendreidentet több éves, többségében külföldi (svájci, osztrák, német, francia) pácienseket ellátó magánklinikákon szerzett tapasztalattal a hátam mögött hoztam létre. Célom, hogy magánrendelői környezetben, a legmagasabb felszereltség és színvonal mellett, de családias, meghitt hangulatban gyógyíthassam pácienseimet. Törekszem arra, hogy a legjobb kezeléseket nyújtsam Ön számára a kezelések széles körét kínálva- legyen szó kozmetikai fogászati beavatkozásról, fogpótlásról vagy preventív fogászati szolgáltatásról.\nA Szendreident fogászati klinika Buda szívében, a Móricz Zsigmond körtéren várja Önt.
Dr. Pipicz Sándor
1074 Budapest, Erzsébet körút 48. II./11.
2006-ban szereztem diplomát Budapesten, a Semmelweis Egyetemen. 2009 óta konzerváló fogászat és fogpótlástan szakvizsgával rendelkezem. Diplomám megszerzése óta több területen, folyamatosan képzem magam, főleg külföldi szakkönyvekből és nyugat-európai konferenciákon, workshopokon való részvétellel.
Munkám java részét az általános konzerváló fogászati és prevenciós munkák teszik ki (tömések, fogkő-eltávolítás).
Erősségeim közé sorolom a rögzített fogpótlások (cirkon és fémkerámia) és minden kritériumnak megfelelő gyökértömések készítését.
Büszke tulajdonosa vagy egy Biolase iPlus keményszövet-lézernek, melyet munkám legtöbb területén hasznosítani tudok. Ezzel a készülékkel lehetőségem sok probléma fájdalommentes, érzéstelenítés nélküli ellátására, legyen szó gyerekek fogának lézerrel való "fúrásáról", vagy szájnyálkahártya elváltozások kezeléséről.
1139 Budapest, Gömb utca 44
Why choose CompletDent?
Imagine that the most modern dental technology works for your smile and that you can reach the beautiful, healthy teeth without pain.
Sounds unbelievable? Actually it is not.
But instead of generalities, lets look at the facts why you should choose CompletDent:
- You can save time
- High medical background
- High-tech diagnostics, high-tech dentistry
- Minimally invasive procedures and painless treatments
- We use trusted brands
- Wide range of guarantees
- Stress-free environment at moments of waiting
- Easily accessible
- A complete solution for the family