Neuropsychological Testing And Therapy, Hungary (Neurology) 1 clinics' services (202 Neurosurgeon)
Description, questions
Neuropsychology in the area of psychology that deals with psychological damages caused by the brain (congenital, genetic brain disorder or brain damage acquired) disorders diagnosis and therapy. In a clinical field, which came as a result of known or suspected brain disorders (injury, illness) by examining cognitive (eg. Memory, speech, perception, attention, etc), behavioral and emotional-emotional problems foglalkozik.Minden study begins with a conversation with the purpose of the current knowledge and to clarify the client's complaints. The neuropsychologist describes the purpose of the patient examination, briefly explains the nature of the tests. Then, the test itself starts, which is different, so-called. It means the application of standardized neuropsychological queues.

Millenáris Pszichológiai Központ II. kerület
Naturopathic doctor Psychologist Psychiatrist Acupuncturist Child psychiatrist Neurosurgeon Psychotherapist Therapist Homeopathic doctor Kinesiologist Mediator
1024 Budapest, Lövőház utca 33. (kapucsengőn \" rendelő\" felirat)