Dermaroller Therapy
The Dermaroller therapy is one of the latest anti-aging procedures in aesthetic dermatology. The treatment is based on the skin surface, tiny pinprick dropped to 250 per square centimeter covered with a very fine, sharp-tipped spikes roller. Due to the damage done by a small biological activators are starting to be produced, which trigger the skin's own regeneration mechanism.
Skin Rejuvenation
The purpose of skin rejuvenation to improve skin tightness, various skin problems reduce, remove, which may be fine wrinkles, acne or pock marks formed after injuries, scars, freckles and tattoos. After the procedure the skin is softer, brighter, firmer and irregularities and fine wrinkles in the treated areas is free.
Treatment Of Sweating
Beyond the control of local treatment, increased palmar axillary sweating, and injections of botulinum toxin.
Acne Treatment
The first lesion of acne which initiates formation of the hair follicle hámtermelése increased and reduced flaking that inhibits sebum excretion, leads to the formation miteszer. treatment of acne should be launched several attacks point to the need to normalize follicular keratosis, reducing the sebaceous gland activity, inhibiting the growth of P. acnes, respectively. inflammation.
The current most advanced and most effective method hatóanagyagbejuttatási. Uniquely able to break through the skin barrier layer, allowing agents to access the appropriate depth, which exert their effects quickly and spectacularly. The mezoterápiánál pin prick of the needle itself starts to regenerate the skin. As a consequence, more flexible and firmer skin develops.
Remove Skin Growth
Our bodies in many, mostly harmless bőrnövedék appears progresses with age, but are aesthetically very disturbing. Several methods exist for the rapid and efficient removal. The first step is always the precise dermatological diagnosis, and then select the most appropriate method of removal.
Cellulite Treatments
Cellulite affects women almost exclusively, and this is due to the special structure of the skin of women, and female hormones lies in the reaction. Lesi hands POSSIBILITIES: oil massage, mezoterapy, electric treatments.
Spider Veins, Aneurysm Treatment
All the benefits of your new laser therapy technology around the world take advantage of your treatment. a few mm below the skin surface using a laser head vasculature emits to laser beams, which focus on the blood vessels, which causes them to shrink and disappear.