Gynecological Examination
Before starting the procedure, the physician needs the knowledge of history is a part of the current complaints, on the other hand, previous diseases, the aim of the study: the doctor requests information about what changes are visible, palpable compared to a healthy state.
Gynecological Ultrasound
The ultrasound certain wavelength range of the sound waves can not be detected by the human ear. It makes it possible in certain parts of the body a two-dimensional display representation, even when moving, and measuring flow properties of fluids (mainly speed).
In vitro fertilization. The IVF-intervention (In Vitro Fertilization - Embryo Transfer IVF-ET) Today, the most commonly used assisted reproductive technologies.
Gynecological Cancer Screening
The cancer screening based cytological samples. In doing so, the sleeve reveals speculum then sampled cervical nyakcsatornából surfaces and which is applied to microscopic slide. The sample contains the cells. the evaluation of these cells is carried out in a laboratory.
Infertility Examination, Consultation
The investigation before infertility treatment. Exploring the causes of childlessness, management proposal for the couple.
Insemination One method of artificial insemination, in most cases during the infertility treatment of the first or the second step. The process actually an artificial trade spermafelhelyezés words: intrauterine insemination (IUI).
Mycoplasma, Ureaplasmal Screening
Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma include strain of bacteria, and kept between a minimum number organisms. Mycoplasma pathogens themselves to the smallest sexually transmitted. Other species can cause respiratory infection, mycoplasma within the family.
The mammography developed for investigating the testing procedures suitable for breast tumors, cysts, benign nodules, detecting and separating from each other inflammatory processes.
Prenatal Care
The aim of prenatal care to the doctor every time recognize that veszélyeztetheti.A prenatal care is the mother or the baby's health is a verification process consisting of several studies that initial heteitől pregnancy lasts until delivery.
Down Filtering
The Down syndrome is a chromosomal disorder caused by the surplus of chromosome 21. Without preventive examinations approximately every 1 6-700 infants born with the disease. Since this test is not routinely carried out for the under 35 age group, the vast majority of Down syndrome babies are born to younger mothers.